Functional medicine is a form of medicine that explores and addresses the role of stress on the body and immune system.
"The functional medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes". Institute of Functional Medicine
"Functional Medicine treats the whole system, not just the symptoms". Dr. Mark Hyman.
Massage therapy is an excellent and powerful treatment that helps to decrease stress and benefits all systems that make up the human body. Massage influences the balance of hormones, circulation, and lymphatic flow so that the body can function as it was intended. Massage therapy promotes homeostasis or a stable physiological balance.
By coupling a healthcare approach that focuses on the whole body with massage therapy achieving a whole health wellness is possible.
Massage therapy: Focus on the nervous system
Massage directly, and by reflex action, either stimulate or sedates the nerves, thereby increasing or depressing the functional activity of the entire anatomy. Increased circulation results in additional nutrition to the nerves. Balancing the nervous system affects other systems in the body.
Massage can benefit the body through: *Reduces stress *Reduces anxiety *Promotes Relaxation *Decreases beta wave activity *Increases delta wave activity *Increases alpha wave activity *Decreases pain *Reduces analgesic use *Activates sensory receptors *Increases vagal activity *More quickly & elaborately develops the hippocampal region for superior memory performance
