Have the face of a goddess. Well you already do but make sure your complextion is clear to match your looks. Our honey oat cleanser is for a more sensitive skin type.
Our products offer natures answer to skin care. We utilize organic and natural ingredients which come dry.This ensures that they last longer and done lose their natural properites that benefit the skin.
Just ADD water and you are good to go. Use appoximpately half a tablespoon of product and then add approximately half a tablespoon of water, mix and apply to face.
ØHoney: is antibacterial, antimicrobial, moisturizes. As well as rich in antioxidants, that helps protect from UV rays, smooths, soothes and exfoliates the skinØOat Meal: provides a protective barrier to the skin. Oat meal also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, pH buffer, soothes, smooths & cleansesØKaolin: a very mild clay that is beneficial to all skin types but ideal for sensitive skin. It has anti-inflammatory benefits, gently exfoliates smooths, gently draws impurities from the skin, and helps reduce pores & puffinessØ Chamomile: has been used for centuries for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antibacterial, anti-fungal anti-irritant and non-allergenic benefits to the body and skin. It contains flavonoids and Apigenin that act as anti-oxidants that fight free radicals that damage the skin and body. Bisabolo a component of chamomile holds the key to chamomiles antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-irritant and non-allergenic benefits.ØCalendula: is known for its strong anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-septic benefits. It uses include protecting against permeant anti-aging and thinning skin, increased the speed at which wound resolve and sooths the skin.ØSea Algae: seaweed extract enhances skin cell regeneration and, in combination with antioxidant vitamin C, reduces sun damage, age spots and discoloration. Algae is also beneficial for toning and detoxifying the skin
Made with:
Oats, Honey ,Chamomile powder and White Kaolinl Clay
-)Please do a patch test before using to test for allergies
-)redness to skin my occur of a temporary amount of time due to increased circulation.
Add 1 tablespoon of mix to 1 tablespoon of water (or enough until the mixture becomes slick enough to apply to face)
Gently massage around face and neck to exfoliate skin (redness may occur due to increased circulation)
Follow with a Chiara Bella Naturals scrub & Mask
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Kina Wellness LLC

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