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Toasted Lavender Almond Face & Body Cleanser 4 oz

Say What? Use what?

Yes, that's right. Use Lavender, Almond and Clay to cleanse your face. Like our other products Chiara Bella Naturals TLA cleanser comes dry, and you just ADD water.


Our products offer natures answer to skin care. We utilize organic and natural ingredients which come dry.This ensures that they last longer and done lose their natural properites that benefit the skin.


Just ADD water and you are good to go. Use appoximpately half a tablespoon of product and then add approximately half a tablespoon of water, mix and apply to face.



* Oat Meal: provides a protective barrier to the skin. Also benefits the skin with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, pH buffer, soothes, smooths & cleanses.
Almonds: are rich in vitamin E which protects skin from sun damage and has antioxidant that help prevent cell damage. Almonds also soften and hydrate the skin.
* Lavender: is known for antiseptic benefits that will help reduce acne breakouts, anti-inflammatory benefits to helps even tone & color. Helps with circulation to improve oxygenation of the skin, & helps reduces redness.
* Bentonite Clay: is a swelling clay. When it becomes mixed with water it rapidly swells open like a highly porous sponge. From here the toxins are drawn into the sponge through electrical attraction and once there, they are bound (Rose Mountain Herbs). High in minerals including silica, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium. It is soothing, smoothing, detoxifying and oxygenates that skin.


-)Please do a test patch to check allergies.

-)May develop temporary skin redness from increased circulation

Made with:

     toasted almonds, lavender buds, oats, and bentonite clay


     Use 1-2 table spoons of mixture and add 2 tablespoons of water (or enough water until the mixture is slick enough to clean and scrub face and body)

     Rinse off with water and follow with a Chiara Bella Naturals face scrub and mask.

Toasted Lavender Almond Face & Body Cleanser 4 oz

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